Writing an effective cover letter happens to the most challenging part of many young graduates’ job search process. There is a way around this Achilles hill. Just in case you are wondering if it is essential to attach a cover letter during a job application, the answer is a resounding YES!
Application letters offer one of the most significant opportunities to connect at a deeper level with recruiters. It is likely HR Managers do not read beyond the first three lines, so you need to deliver the punchlines right from the onset.
Before you start writing, conduct extensive research about the company, position, and industry. Cover letters allow you to open your cover letter with a relatable and robust introduction. Don’t forget to mention the one who refers you if that is the case. Human resource managers are obsessed with hiring the right talents, and they want to be sure, adding you to the team will bring value. It is why you need to know the direction this company is going and its problems. You then skillfully connect your competence to solving these problems.
Some application processes will not allow you to submit a cover letter to find a creative way around it.
What is a Cover Letter?
A cover letter is usually a one-page letter made out to the company that you seek employment from providing information that makes you a qualified applicant and your interest in the position. Creating a resume that stands out from the rest is a critical component of starting the hiring process. However, adding a well-written letter is an opportunity to impress a company and show why you are the right candidate for the job. Though having a cover letter is optional for some companies, it is usually good to attach one to the application.
Going further in-depth
A cover letter can often include the things that could not be placed on the Resume to offer extra information to the recruiting manager. With the help of an application letter, you can showcase your unique skills and experience that meet the requirement of the job position that you are seeking. Leaving a lasting impression on the employer is needed in a cover letter. It would help if you were concise and compelling to draw potential employers’ attention.
Tell a story, make the right introduction, surprise the reader with something they least expected from you. There are numerous ways that you can provide your level of qualification:
- Soft and hard skills
- Share an insight about the company, i.e., news, recent mergers, investment, or even industry trend
- Adaptability to learning skills in response to particular challenges and opportunities.
Do Extensive Research before Starting your Cover Letter.
Before writing the first word of your cover letter, dive deep into the organization, industry and the job advertised. You will get a 360-degree view of the company’s expectations when you study the job descriptions and the organization as though they were the same project. The best places to check are the company’s social media accounts, websites, and staff. You can then decide on the tone and customize your cover letter to fit the organization, job requirements, and industry. This is how you stand out during your job search.
If possible, find the Recruiting officer on LinkedIn and connect with them by asking a smart question about the vacancy. You can then reference that conversation in your cover letter, and this is a powerful hook.

Put your Personality on the Cover letter.
Personality is one aspect that can shine through in a cover letter the most, especially the way you arrange your words. You may come accross as experienced, creative, thoughtful, aware, or even careless and unqualified. A correctly written letter allows your Personality to shimmer through. It determines the tone and a more pronounced insight of your Personality that companies cherish. A job application letter provides a rare opportunity to push your story and define the core values you bring to the company. Let this guide you while drafting your cover letter
Keep to the point
Keeping a resume short and precise is an essential feature of every effective cover letter. Employers can look into your interest without the long drawn out process of reading a long five-page paper with repetitive factors if you are an entry-level candidate with minimal experience. Perfect grammar is something that is a requirement to make an impressive first impression. Having an individual check over your letter is imperative for errors that might deter employers from your cover letter.
Avoid Adding unnecessary information / Detail.
Though a cover letter called for you to add your Personality to the letter, it is also essential to always be professional in you’re writing. There should always be a number and email address that is attached to the letter. Staying on a topic should be a given. There should be no unnecessary information; you don’t need to address resume related information. As stated previously, the job application letter should be short and to the point.
Seek Help from others
Feel free to ask for help when you need one. You can request an expert, a friend, or an acquaintance to review what you wrote. Resume and Job Search coaches charge fees to help you but make sure you are using the right service. You can use multiple sites in the creation of job application letters. Zety and Cover Letter Now are websites that cater to cover letters and how to format them. These websites are here to help with formatting style, adding Personality, and everything else. All the solutions above are starting points for beginners to compose an application letter for the first time.
If you don’t get hired, don’t be hard on yourself, it is not because you are not skillful. But the most probable reason is that the hiring manager didn’t believe your story. Human Resource Managers hire applicants who proved that they understand the task at hand, and it’s their dream job.
Keep your cover letter alive, at the moment, and anchored to the right issues.