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  • Founded Date November 2, 2021
  • Posted Jobs 0
  • Viewed 136
  • Founded Since November 2, 2021
  • Company Size 101-200
  • Employer Type Startup
  • Status Account Verified

Company Description

About Wayve

Imagine a world where self-driving cars take us to work, pick up our kids from school, bring us our groceries and help our communities turn more car parks into green parks.
For that vision to move forward, self-driving technology has to move forward and become more intelligent.
It has to be able to adapt to new cities, different terrains, and changing conditions. It has to adjust to the unpredictable, the unknown and the never before seen. It has to learn much like you do to respond in any situation.
We are Wayve.
Our AV2.0 technology completely rethinks how to solve self-driving by taking a pure machine learning approach. The result is a next generation AV technology that can scale and adapt to any driving condition, anywhere in the world: unlocking the promise of a better way forward.

Our Values
To solve this problem successfully we require a diverse, brave, intelligent, collaborative, open-minded team that is courageous enough to challenge the status quo.
It’s important to us that we are all different, with different expertise, upbringing, point of view, but vital that we share the same values.
If you are excited to contribute but don’t see a specific role that fits, we would still love to hear from you.

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