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Spotify Career


    • Founded Date January 31, 2022
    • Posted Jobs 0
    • Viewed 304
    • Founded Since 2006
    • Employer Type Startup
    • Status Account Verified

    Company Description

    About Spotify
    We’re many different voices, sharing the same stage
    This is how we rock
    It’s hard to capture the true culture of a company and put it into words. But we went ahead and did it anyway in this, our band manifesto.
    Here at Spotify, we like to think of ourselves as a band
    Ok, sure, we don’t look a lot like that group you put together in high school that could only play one Led Zeppelin song, but we still think the comparison fits.
    Like a band, we’re dependent on each other to create the best audio experience. Like a band, we need to be in sync. And like any successful band, we have a set of rules, a band manifesto, that keeps us focused on where we want to go and guides how we get there.
    This is that manifesto. It explains our mission, our beliefs, our culture, our values, and everything else in between. Pretty much the only thing it won’t teach you is how to play a new Led Zeppelin song, that’s just something you’re going to have to learn on your own.
    Our mission
    Spotify is a purpose-driven company, using our strong values and beliefs to guide us in our strategies as well as our everyday decisions.
    To unlock the potential of human creativity by giving a million creators the opportunity to live off their art and billions of fans the opportunity to enjoy and be inspired by it.
    How do we get there
    By believing in our talented band members, giving them the support and autonomy they need to create. And lots of cold brew. If you join the band, there are five values with which you’ll quickly become familiar as they form the foundation of Spotify culture. If these values align with your own, if they sound like the kind of people you want to be surrounded by, then come and help us inspire people to listen to the world around them.

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