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  • Founded Date January 31, 2022
  • Posted Jobs 0
  • Viewed 146
  • Founded Since 2012
  • Company Size 10000+
  • Employer Type Startup
  • Status Account Verified

Company Description

About Lyft
Ride by ride, we’re reimagining the world’s best transportation.
We envision a world where cities feel small again. Where transportation and tech bring people together, instead of apart. We see the future as community-driven and it starts with you.
Let’s grow together

Amazing companies start with amazing people. We’re creating a diverse team of smart, passiote people who feel comfortable being themselves, and are motivated by our shared goal improving people’s lives with the world’s best transportation.


Wow our customers

We’re all on the front lines of customer service, no matter what role we’re in. We go above and beyond to serve others with high-quality products and hospitality they can rely on. We work hard to leave our customers with a smile.

All-in ownership

We have grit. There is no job too small nor challenge too big. We are all-in. We think long term and always optimize for Lyft as a whole. We never say, that’s not my job.

Take care of each other

We create an inclusive environment where everyone is safe to be themselves. We build trust by listening attentively, speaking candidly, and treating others respectfully. We have each other’s backs.

Create fearlessly

We have a bias for action and we value taking bold, calculated risks. We move fast and don’t make customers wait. When we fail, we learn from it, adjust, and try again.

Take pride, be humble

We take pride in our work and whatever we do, we do it well. We assess our own work critically and we’re the first to call out our shortcomings. We continuously push ourselves and others to improve and set a higher bar.

Build great teams

We recruit, and develop exceptiol talent. We collaborate and combine our powers to accomplish more than we could do alone.

Disagree & commit

We engage in thoughtful, direct, and respectful debate, even when it’s uncomfortable. Once we land a decision, we commit fully and move forward.

Dive deep

We stay connected to all the details, audit frequently, and continually seek deeper insights. We don’t take anything at face value and are skeptical when metrics and anecdotes differ.


We start with a big compelling vision, and work backwards to create and communicate a clear plan. We rally those around us and accomplish what others see as impossible.

Deliver impact

While all the ingredients matter, we know that it’s the end result that counts. We carefully prioritize our time and resources to get the greatest impact for the customer and our mission. Despite setbacks, we rise to the occasion, and can be counted on to deliver results on time.

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