My resume has been updated in the past 6 months and includes accomplishments for each position, as well as job responsibilities.
I know what I’m passionate about and what I want to focus on for my livelihood, versus what I want to keep as a hobby or outside interest.
The people in my industry and my company (and those I work with) are generally people I respect, admire, and like.
I have concrete, measurable and specific short-term and long-term goals for my career, and I know where I'm taking it.
I am an active power networker, and focus on meeting and connecting with inspiring new people in my industry and beyond every month.
I attend networking meetings, industry association meetings and regional and national conferences on a regular basis, to build a support community outside of those who work for my company.
I understand the critical ways I hold myself back (my “power gaps”) and am actively addressing them.
I have both mentors and sponsors in my life who give me important professional and personal feedback and have the power and influence to open new doors for me.
I have a clear understanding of what it takes to build a successful career in my field.
I’ve evaluated the various directions I could take with my career and professional skills – including corporate life, independent work, consulting, private practice, start up, entrepreneurial, etc. – and I understand which direction suits me the best at this time.
I know what I have to do to create work-life balance and to integrate my life and work in ways I need to be happy and healthy, and have a detailed plan in place to maintain that balance.
I know how to promote myself, my work and my accomplishments, in a way that feels good, appropriate, and produces great, positive results.
I ask for critique and feedback on a regular basis from my peers, my managers, my mentors and those who work for me, and I take action on that feedback.
I am able to identify when I’m in my comfort zone, and I am committed to stretching out of it regularly, and know how to do that.
I can identify the key warning signs that will tell me when and if I need to make a job or career change, and have developed a clear, well-informed plan for my transition.
I am continually building on my skill set and capabilities so my skills and my value in the workforce won’t become outdated or obsolete.
I know how to determine who to remain connected with in my professional life, and who to walk away from, and I have the courage to walk away when necessary.
I have a pathway for attaining the leadership, managerial and compensation level I want in my work.
I understand that changing careers or improving my existing one isn’t a quick-fix, silver-bullet solution. I have to address what isn’t going well first, and I’m in this for the long-haul.
I interview regularly at other firms or organizations, or if I own my own business, I regularly explore new partnerships, collaborations and affiliates, to build new pathways to opportunities that will expand my growth.