Facing a global pandemic, the home office concept of working rises overall in all industries. And it is most likely that this trend will further increase, to save costs for companies. The home office model has a lot of advantages but also brings in some disadvantages for the employee. Here, it is essential to follow several guidelines to keep a productive home office and stay healthy. These guides could also help remote workers. We have summarized the tips for a productive home office in this article for you:
Tip Number 1: Set up an “office.”
While working from home, of course, you must have a proper workspace to set up all your equipment. Here, it is even better to find a quieter space in your home, which has a door to cut out from all distractions. Make sure you choose a place with good lighting. A window would be useful next to you to increase natural lighting and let fresh air inside. If you don’t have a separate room with a window, make sure other inhabitants of your flat or house stay quiet and avoid distracting you. Alternatively, it is of great benefit to investing in good lighting if you don’t have a natural light source.
Another good investment for your home office is a fitting chair. Since not everyone has an office in their home, it is worth a thought about buying a good office chair. A proper chair is essential to keep up a healthy back and prevent you from back pains. It would help if you never tried to work from bed.
To sum it up, it is better to set up a table and chair in your home’s quiet place with appropriate lighting.

#2: Keep distractions low for a Productive Home Office
Answering your friends on WhatsApp, scrolling through Instagram, or playing with stuff from your desk is counterproductive. These are all distractions you can quickly get rid of, and this is a must-do! You want to replicate office efficiency at home and deliver on your targets. Imagine you are in the office; you don’t use your phone for personal stuff or play games, so don’t do it at home. Make sure to keep your desk clean and only equipped with work-related gadgets.
However, there are way more distractions at home that are not so easy to get rid of, unfortunately. From Your postman ringing on the door, friends calling on your telephone number, or your children showing up after school, you need to get creative. It is essential to figure out a way to keep those distractions as low as possible. Inform your friends that you cannot talk during your working hours, although you are at home. Figure a way out to keep your kids entertained and, if necessary, hire someone to watch them even when you are at home. Of course, a home office is convenient to handle work and life more comfortable; however, you should not forget to separate work time from private life.

#3: Schedule breaks
You should schedule a different kind of breaks throughout your working day. People often sit longer than required in the home office because there are no quick meetings and colleague walkthroughs. By implementing breaks, you will recharge your energy level to keep healthy and refreshed.
First, you should take breaks up to 5 minutes for your eyes. Starring at the computer 8 hours straight can be very exhausting for one’s eyes. So, take some time to look outside the window to relax your eyes and give your brain a short break.
Secondly, you should plan some breaks for up to 10 minutes to do some stretching or get up and walk. Walking will let your blood circulate more and thus increases concentration.
At third, put a blocker in your timetable for a lunch break. Also, in-home office, you should take your 30 minutes minimum for a lunch break. Avoid meetings flowing into your lunchtimes.

#4: Stock up Some Healthy Food
Working from home can increase the chances of snacking during work times. Ensure you have some healthy snacks at home like vegetables or fruits, and avoid eating chips or cookies all day long. A pro tip would also be preparing your meals in advance. Fill the fridge with cooked food you can eat during lunch and avoid ordering fatty and junk lunch. Healthy food can increase your overall health and boost your concentration and motivation.

#5: Don’t let yourself go at home office
Haven’t showered three days straight? Do you sit in online meetings in your pajamas? Don’t do this! It may seem obvious but getting ready and dress up in the morning is a ritual you should keep up with even if you are in the home office. Those 30 minutes in the morning will make you wake up and gives you a feeling of doing something productive, rather than chilling in front of your laptop.

#6: Stay social for a Productive Home office
You are also working alone from home; you should not forget to stay connected with your colleagues. It will help to schedule meetings with your team to exchange knowledge. It will give you the feeling that you are not alone and can be a healthy work environment. Of course, your focus should be at work again during these meetings; however, small talk is also a common practice to keep a better working environment and connection to your colleagues.

Working from home can be lovely but also exhausting and challenging. Make sure to create a proper environment and work with purpose, rather than getting distracted all the time. By doing this, you can set up a productive home office and stay healthy while working from home.