Remote work is a rising trend due to the recent global pandemic; COVID-19. Several experts have embraced remote work as a new normal, while others are skeptical. This development can bring in new recruiting opportunities. To give you a better overview of what a remote job is, we summarized the essential facts for you.
Definition of remote work:
The working model of a remote job dictates that the employee is not physically bound to the office. The employee can work from everywhere in the world using a computer and the internet. Contact with the employer and team is only given through online platforms or via phone call. Compared to the home office arrangement, the employer cannot ask the employee to come to the office once in a while. Most of the time, the posted remote job offers are not ones. That is why you should always read through the job advertisement carefully. Some jobs that can be remote include design jobs, programmer, customer support, translator, writer, and more. The spectrum of coverage is broad and will probably more job roles with the development of technology.
The Trend of Working Remotely:
As mentioned above, remote work is a rising working model. In the U.S., where the trend already higher than in other parts of the world, remote working is not a new trend. The model is very welcome by the mature workers as well as millennials and Gen z. The main reason, therefore, is because it can provide a lot of freedom. So far, other developing countries still struggle with implementing the remote work model, but it all a matter of time. High internet connection, technology, and the right training are required to implement remote work schemes successfully. We also see some resistance from more prominent companies. As long as this resistance exists, including other factors mentioned above, virtual works will take a while to be widely accepted.
However, with the rise of the Millennial population, which appreciate flexibility, working remotely is further predicted to increase in the future. University classes start to focus on digital working or digital leadership concepts. That is to say, education institutions are getting the new generation prepared with skills and qualifications for the further inclusion of digitalization in the work environment.

Advantages of remote work for the employee:
Increases job satisfaction
Studies point out that a larger share of people feels more satisfied through remote work and less stressed. The main reason lies again in the flexibility of the remote work model.
Remote work offers Safety.
Compared to a Freelancer’s work, employees in the remote model still benefit from employing a standard contract. That is to say, no no-payed phases, new technology, company equipment, software, and more.
Full freedom
Employees can work from everywhere, anytime. Of course, they still have to meet the deadlines. However, they can consider time differences and personnel appointments. So, a better Work-Life-Balance becomes an optimal way of life.
Personal health
If employees don’t have to get up super early, drive hours to work, they can make their breakfast, eat properly, and adopt a healthier lifestyle through remote work.
Time-saving and Efficient
If employees don’t have to drive to work, they can save a lot of time in the long-run, which they can use for more productive things.
Advantages of remote work for the employer:
The employer doesn’t need to provide office spaces or parking lots for those workers and save those costs.
Feature of Recruiting
Small and medium-sized companies find it challenging to fill their vacancies because of the unattractiveness of their location. Some companies outside the cities fall into this bracket as many prospective employees simply don’t want to move there. This factor decreases the pool of applicants. With remote work, smaller firms can easily hire top talents from larger cities.
Less sick days
Remote workers tend to call in fewer sick days because of less infection risk inside the office.
Reduction of carbon footprint
Working from home reduces the use of cars, busses, or taxis to get to work or meetings for employees, thus can reduce their overall carbon footprint.
Disadvantages of remote work for the employee:
Low payment
Many remote jobs aren’t well paid so far, so you need to be careful not to let yourself get exploited.
Less social contacts
Since not everyone is an extrovert, remote work will decrease social contacts. For many, the office and their team members form an essential part of their lives. Many workers have reported that the lack of social contact is making them think twice about virtual work.
Requires Discipline
The employee needs to be able to distribute their time efficiently. Furthermore, it is hard for many people not to get distracted in their environment.
Disadvantages of remote work for the employer:
HR problems
It is hard to judge people according to their soft skills and personal development in the remote work model. This reason makes special training and development of the employees more complicated.
Commitment and Morale
How close can the company bind its employees to them if the only contact is through chats or video calls? Some companies fear losing morale and commitment from employees. This reason actually may lead to an increased probability of turnover.
Work efficiency
If tasks are accomplished only online, Workers can lose efficiency.
To sum it up, remote work is a prevalent online working model, where employees can work from everywhere around the globe. It comes with its advantages and disadvantages, but as humans, we will evolve.