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Hire Oriental Career's Expert Resume Services and Watch your resume open doors. We guarantee Increased Interviews

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Oriental Career helps you to find your dream job!


Great Resume Opens Career Doors For You.

When you select our resume services, You get a :

[evc_icon_list][evc_icon_list_item icon_library=”fontawesome” icon_fontawesome=”fas fa-medal” text=”One-on-one support from a professional writer with several years of experience. Customized to fit” icon_color=”#109fda” icon_size=”30″][evc_icon_list_item icon_library=”fontawesome” icon_fontawesome=”fas fa-medal” text=”A customized, modern and well-written resume that tells your career story and highlights your skills to fit Chinese Market” icon_size=”30″ icon_color=”#109fda”][evc_icon_list_item icon_library=”fontawesome” icon_fontawesome=”fas fa-medal” text=”Double the interview rate, guaranteed! After reviewing your resume we guarantee you will get 2x more interviews than ordinary applicants” icon_size=”30″ icon_color=”#109fda”][/evc_icon_list]


We guarantee you’ll be in good hands with our Top Resume professional writers with years of experience. We have drawn a team of writers from all industries and some have served in various roles as HRs or have experience in the recruitment industry. Many are certified career coaches, recruiters, Life Coaches, and experienced hiring managers.

. Getting Started

Our Engagement Process

You just need to engage us a watch us transform your profile

  • STEP 1 & 2

    First of all, speak with our team to get a free consulting service and Select your package below. Either upload your resume or select ``start new`` and answer a few questions about yourself.

  • Step 3

    You will be matched with one of our expert resume writers who will work with you to create your professional resume and optimize to pass the ATS scan. Then your finished resume will be run through the ATS screening algorithms used by 90% of employers to ensure it passes.

  • Step 4

    You'll be given a final copy of your resume along with our 60 Day Interview Guarantee for Fast Track and Premium clients. More interviews, guaranteed.

. Packages

Our Resume Package Prices

Basic C.V Pack


Power CV Pack

$30.00 only

Super CV Pack

$50.00 only


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Our top in-house career specialist, Dr Cathryn Lloyd, is here to help you get hired faster and move ahead in your career. A well-recognized expert and speaker in career advancement, Cathryn’s advice can help you with everything from developing your professional brand to acing the next interview. 



If you still have questions, reach out to us

Vivamus vulputate mollis diam nec sollicitudin. Pellentesque et convallis dolor. Donec porttitor eleifend nunc et gravida. Nunc condimentum nunc ut justo pellentesque, nec laoreet massa aliquet. Suspendisse erat orci, imperdiet nec dignissim eget, posuere sit amet tellus. Etiam et porta dui, eget euismod dui. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to make any edits to your uploaded document once you have submitted your application. However, we can upload a new updated attachment (resume/cover letter as one file) and delete the outdated version, but it’s not guaranteed the hiring team will be able to see the update if the recruitment is already in progress.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent molestie, diam id tempus convallis, est est ullamcorper ex, vel malesuada nisi tortor nec nisi. Fusce sit amet nibh tellus. Etiam at ex tortor. Mauris nisi est, ornare ut rutrum posuere, gravida vel magna. Morbi molestie nunc tellus, nec posuere est ullamcorper quis.

Curabitur ac libero a lorem volutpat egestas id a diam. Phasellus ultrices nibh quam, quis semper justo mattis consequat. Maecenas sodales leo malesuada neque posuere mattis. Vestibulum nec risus nisi. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Sed molestie mi nec nibh volutpat, in molestie massa tempor. Donec maximus felis nec lorem rutrum pellentesque. Praesent elementum dolor id justo facilisis rhoncus. Vestibulum eu pellentesque mauris. Donec mollis urna a leo dignissim condimentum. Etiam in mollis felis.

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis ultrices tempus eros in lacinia. Maecenas aliquam tortor justo, at aliquet est condimentum tincidunt. Duis nunc erat, sollicitudin eget commodo a, viverra non magna. Suspendisse ipsum tortor, aliquam sed commodo posuere, euismod quis mi. Nunc id nisi facilisis, elementum lorem vel, tempus erat.

uis aliquet, est non vehicula lacinia, dui risus sagittis lacus, quis scelerisque tortor nunc vitae tellus. Ut iaculis erat eros, at tristique sem consequat vel.

Nam nibh eros, euismod vitae arcu vitae, pulvinar condimentum dui.

am sed maximus felis, a fringilla justo. Sed imperdiet eleifend est vitae volutpat. Integer a lorem facilisis, varius tortor a, lobortis purus. Mauris porta justo nec nunc pellentesque, sed pellentesque lorem bibendum. Donec ultrices sapien ut augue interdum aliquam.

Proin pretium eu purus id luctus. Aenean rhoncus felis neque, vitae ullamcorper magna pellentesque sed. Donec dapibus dapibus leo, vitae tristique sem. Nam leo magna, mollis rutrum vestibulum eget, posuere et lorem.

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to make any edits to your uploaded document once you have submitted your application. However, we can upload a new updated attachment (resume/cover letter as one file) and delete the outdated version, but it’s not guaranteed the hiring team will be able to see the update if the recruitment is already in progress.

05. Our Clients

What our clients say

Lets’s see what people say about our company

I interned in China through CIP and Oriental Career. These guys understand what it takes to get the best of experience abroad. I will recommend them to all international students

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Layla Cohen

Digital Marketing Intern

I will state unequivocally that CIP operates a quality program! They were there for me throughout my stay and their field support is awesome. Try them

38 2266

Will B.

Engineering Internship

I joined CIP and Oriental Career for my summer Internship and it was one of the best moments. Our group from Leicester University always rank the Team high above other platforms


Buki Jones

Legal Internship

You can't beat the quality of internships Oriental career has to offer. They have changed the face of China Internships and we are pleased it's now affordable to all. Lets Support them!

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Kayla Reyes

Graphic Design Intern
06. Our Blogs

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